DePauw University
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at DePauw University. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a DePauw University student, please check with the Off-Campus Study Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I loved everything about study abroad, I learned how to live on my own in a strange city, how to converse and befriend people that I don't know or share cultural similarities with, and I learned a lot about the beautiful art and history of Italy."
Allison W DePauw University
"In London, I gained such an appreciation for the arts moreso than I had before. It taught me not to be scared in my field and that I can do anything. "
Kristopher S DePauw University
"YES. As I mentioned above, I cannot imagine having completed my time at DePauw without this experience. It has changed my outlook on life and I hope to return to Africa very soon. "
Stewart J DePauw University
"Yes, it was definitely worthwhile. I tried to stay in Freiburg as much as possible, since i didn't want to spend money on too much travel, but i did get to go to so many places and understand the culture better. At the end of the trip, I had set up a meeting with an 8th grade class an hour from Freiburg in the Black Forest, and ..."
Ariel D DePauw University
"My experience was definitely worthwhile. I had the time of my life and learned so much and met so many people that I will never forget. I learned a lot not only in class but about myself and life. I loved every minute of being in Ireland and made the most of every opportunity while abroad."
Alexa S DePauw University
"As stated before, I would not trade my academic abroad experience for another. However, I would have liked to travel other places throughout Europe to further broaden my horizons and global outlook. "
Lisa V DePauw University
"Yes, it was. "
Phuong N DePauw University
Nicole K DePauw University
"Yes. "
Claire J DePauw University
"Yes! I've learned so much and I got to experience a lot of things!"
Anna K DePauw University
Arianna S DePauw University
"The biggest thing for this program was that you really were on your own the whole time, which definitely made it feel like you were part of the community and not just a tourist."
Allison M DePauw University
"It was a great eye opener and forced me to do things outside of my comfort zone. "
samantha w DePauw University
"yes yes yes. i loved studying abroad and getting to travel after was the best experience i've ever had. you see way more than you'd expect to and it opens your mind to thing you never knew existed. i would travel abroad again if i had the opportunity"
Andrea B DePauw University
"Yes! I met amazing people, traveled, and found a lot about myself!!!!"
Melissa P DePauw University
Yi W DePauw University
"absolutely. every part of it. i met 5 people that will be apart of my life forever"
Elizabeth W DePauw University
"I discovered a lot about my personality and was able to sped my embarrassment when it came to making mistakes. I appreciate Hawaii and the US in a different way now. I feel like the world is so much bigger now."
Alicia Y DePauw University
Andrew R DePauw University
"yes! "
Ariel M DePauw University
"After this program, I can honestly say that I am graduating with a well-rounded Spanish language and cultural experience. "
Danyeal R DePauw University
"Yes. "
Sarah T DePauw University
"Yes because I learned a lot about myself, living in a city and also about my area of study (art). I could not have learned what I did while staying at school because it is such a sheltered bubble here. I feel more capable and mature because of the experience."
Alexa K DePauw University
"Yes, I really enjoyed my time and learned alot."
John T DePauw University