Hamilton College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Hamilton College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Hamilton College student, please check with the Off-Campus Study Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.

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Past Review Budapest: Egészségedre! (Cheers) API (Academic Programs International): Budapest - Corvinus University of Budapest

"I couldn't ask for a more positive experience. Budapest is the hidden gem of Europe. My recommendation is to find it while it's still hidden. "

Hamilton College
Past Review A Wonderful Time In Paris! American University of Paris: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I can't imagine my experience in college without my time in Paris. I'm still in close contact with the many friends I made there. "

Hamilton College
Past Review Sfs Turks And Caicos: An Experience You'll Never Forget! The School for Field Studies / SFS: Turks and Caicos Islands - Marine Resource Studies

"Yes, most definitely worthwhile. I took away a new love for the ocean and was humbled by the experience of living on a developing island. "

Hamilton College
Past Review Housing Was One Of The Best Parts Of The Program CIEE: Prague - Central European Studies

"YESSSSSSSSS-studying abroad is sooo sooo worth it. College is incredible but I think that if you have the chance, everyone should study abroad-it's such a once in a lifetime experience. I went to Prague because I was not very interested in learning a language, but I definitely learned a lot about the Czech culture, politics, lif..."

Hamilton College
Past Review Sydney Uni Was A Great Experience Overall IFSA: Sydney - University of Sydney

"I think that a lot of people assume that since Australia is an English speaking country it does not have very much of its own culture (or have a culture much different from america's). This is not true, Australia has its own culture and people who live their are extremely nice and want to share their culture with you. My exper..."

Hamilton College
Past Review Nyu In Ba Was Ok New York University: Buenos Aires - NYU in Buenos Aires

"Very worthwhile. Learned a lot about myself and being independent. The ex-pat community in BA is also great. Do not use the NYU suggested phone plan. It is wayyy over priced and there were tons of complications. Instead, go to Claro or one of the other mobile service providers and purchase a SIM card that you can add money..."

Hamilton College
Past Review A Great Lesson In Living Independently University of Tasmania: Hobart - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Above all else my study abroad experience was a great lesson in living independently. Living in a house separated from the University was a refreshing break from the ever-present feeling of supervision in most college dorms. For better or worse, I did not feel like, nor was I treated like a "study abroad student." For the most p..."

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) Sea Education Association: The Global Ocean

"The program is definitely worthwhile. I just learned so many life lessons, about myself and in general. Living on a boat opens you up to so many new ways of thinking and what you truly appreciate and what is just trivial. There are really no words to describe the experience, it will be different for everyone, but I loved it."

Hamilton College
Past Review Top Professors In The Czech Republic New York University: Prague - NYU in Prague

"Yes. I gained worldly experience, independence, cultural understanding, and most of all I had a great time."

Hamilton College
Past Review Study Abroad In Prague New York University: Prague - NYU in Prague

"Wouldn't want to change anything about my experience abroad!"

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) Hamilton College: Madrid - Academic Year in Spain

"I said that if I could do it all over again, I would choose the same program because there were some great aspects to it, but I wasn't entirely thrilled with my experience. I would definitely want to make some changes. I did, however, love Spain and this program had a lot to offer."

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) The School for Field Studies / SFS: Tanzania - Wildlife Management Studies

"It took a few months post-abroad experience for me to truly realize how incredible my 3 months abroad were. The opportunity to live on another continent and experience an entirely new culture was life-changing and I recommend to everyone to take advantage of living and studying abroad. The SFS program was only held in Tanzan..."

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: Buenos Aires - Argentine Universities Program

"I am a completely different person because of my year abroad. I wouldn't change anything about it. I came away feeling totally comfortable traveling alone, immersing myself in a new culture, and maneuvering myself in uncomfortable and difficult situations. I am more confident in my ability to adapt to any lifestyle. I'm a..."

Hamilton College
Past Review A Semester In Stockholm The Swedish Program: Stockholm, Sweden

"Yes. I enjoyed spending a semester in Stockholm with some wonderful people."

Hamilton College
Past Review Freshman Study Abroad In London New York University: London - NYU in London

"it was worthwhile. i think that going the first semester of my freshman year its a unique situation. it think when i got abroad as a junior i will take advantage of the opportunities throughout the city in a better way. "

Hamilton College
Past Review Dis Is Academically Challenging DIS Copenhagen: Semester

"Yes---traveling was very rewarding and DIS does give you three weeks so that was very nice. Copenhagen is a beautiful, amazing city and I'm really glad that I studied there. Danish is difficult to learn and not necessary to learn because all Danish people speak English as well--so don't take Danish unless your university requi..."

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) Hamilton College: Paris - JYA France

"I became more independent and worldy. I learned how to live in a city and get by in a different culture and language. I leanred how to appreciate differences."

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) API (Academic Programs International): Granada - Universidad de Granada

"My study abroad experience was definitly worthwhile. But it definitly is only as good as you make it. Go out, meet new people, try new things. Be open minded. and travel! It is SO easy to travel around europe over there. But don't feel that you have to be away every weekend and not spend enough time in Granada. "

Hamilton College
Past Review (No Title) IFSA: Buenos Aires - Argentine Universities Program

"Absolutely. I learned how to exercise independence, visited amazing sights, practiced intensively my Spanish, and ate the best beef in the world! "

Hamilton College