Ramapo College
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at Ramapo College. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a Ramapo College student, please check with the Ramapo International Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."international experience and internship skills travel and adaptability cultural differences and visibility of differences "
Anna R Ramapo College
"I matured, learned to be independent and learned that with courage you are able to travel alone."
Elizabeth Reyes-Guerra Ramapo College
"I learned that I definitely do not want to end up in the United States when I go to graduate school or when I start a family. That is a bold statement because that means that this program was literally life changing. This program showed me that there is more out there than my small hometown and I want to experience that. "
Jacob de Castro Ramapo College
"I learned so much inside the classroom but I think what I learned culturally outside the program is what matters most and what I took the most away from. I learned about our cultural differences and how to fully function somewhere besides the United States. "
Sarah stacey Ramapo College
"This trip was absolutely worthwhile. I am a commuter at home, and have never lived at school, but that was just a tiny part of the program. I learned more and did more hands-on learning in Copenhagen, and got valuable lessons from our field studies and study tours that I will never forget. Not only that, the things I saw will li..."
A student Ramapo College
"Immersion is probably the best way to learn a language. A lot of the times switching back to English was not an option. This forces you to speak the language frequently and to the effort to understand. My linguistics skills have improved significantly and it was an incredible experience."
Mark F Ramapo College
"I learned how to travel abroad. I learned so much about the German and European culture. It was the most worthwhile experience."
Katherine R Ramapo College
"Of course. I will never forget it. I was very homesick the first two weeks, considering leaving. I am sooo glad I didn't. Italy was the best experience of my life."
Allie R Ramapo College
Kathryn L Ramapo College
"My time abroad changed me completely. I can now speak Spanish, I keep up with Spanish news and events, I have added another major to include an international spectrum, myself and many of the friends I made while abroad plan on returning to Santander in 5 years for a reunion. "
Christina A Ramapo College