
University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse

September 20, 2024

University Information

If you have the desire to experience a new culture, learn about yourself, and have the journey of a lifetime, then you are definitely the kind of person we are looking for! Whether you have questions about studying abroad, or you just want to be kept informed about what's happening at UW-La Crosse, then please become a fan of this page.

Program updates including new locations, scholarships, and special events will be posted. You can also contact the office to set up an appointment with one of the advisors! Let the Study Abroad Office help you become a global citizen!

Important Dates and Deadlines

Please note that the application deadline for summer, fall, and academic year programs is March 1st, and the deadline for spring and January intersession programs is October 1st. SOME PROGRAMS HAVE EARLIER DEADLINES SO BE SURE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION!

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Past Review The Alternative Spring Break Trip To Jamaica Impacted My Life In A Positive Way! University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Alternative Spring Break - Jamaica

"I gained an understanding for how much I have taken for granted in my own life. As a future educator, I had the opportunity to observe in the classrooms and to interact with the children. This experience has provided me with stories as well as ideas that I can bring back to the American classrooms."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Dominican Republic: Made Lifelong Friends University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Dominican Republic Alternative Spring Break

"The intersection between the environment, the economy, and the living conditions of the local people and the resources to which they have access. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Marburg: Travel Germany, Meet The World Philipps-Universität / University of Marburg: Marburg -International Undergraduate Study Program / IUSP

"It changed my academic interests, solidified my goals for the future and helped me understand myself more."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Memories That Will Last A Life Time: Dominican Republic Alternative Spring Break University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Dominican Republic Alternative Spring Break

"This trip was most definitely worthwhile. We learned so much about the different ways people live in the Dominican Republic as well as how the past has influenced the current state of the country. I was very satisfied with my experience because the kids on the trip were amazing, our teacher was phenomenal and words cannot expr..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Dominican Republic: The Trip Is Just The Beginning University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Dominican Republic Alternative Spring Break

"I travel a lot, and this ranks at the top of my experiences. This trip made me think about what it means to be a white American woman, the meaning of sustainability, and what development should be. I feel more aware of my identity, the world other people live in, and what it means to be a world citizen. While I had thought abou..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Dominican Republic: Same Time Next Year? University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: Dominican Republic Alternative Spring Break

"I now understand stratification in the country in terms of culture, agriculture, and social norms. I think many of us could go back and find a place where we feel comfortable helping out and working to make situations better. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Valladolid, Spain Is My Second Home! Universitas Castellae: Valladolid - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"absolutely. I learned so much, gained a better understanding of myself, and got more confident speaking Spanish even if I make mistakes!"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Paris In Reflection CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"This was a new program, which explains my rating for the Home Institution Advising Overall. They only had a small idea of what this program would be like, which is of no fault to them. That was one of the most interesting parts of this trip. We had a lot of open time and options so we could make decisions for ourselves or as a ..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Great Experience In Alicante! Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"YES! gained tons of language skills and cultural perspectives. You will come back wanting to live your life a different & better way."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Study Abroad In Fiji ISA Study Abroad in Suva, Fiji


University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review England: A Cultural Experience I Will Never Forget University of Bradford: Bradford - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I learned a lot about myself while being abroad, such as that I am much more independent than I thought I was. I also realized just how oblivious I was to things going on around the world. It made me want to learn about different cultures and even learn more about my culture as an American. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Hong Kong: I Love This City! University of Hong Kong / HKU: Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"It was a great way to experience a new culture and learn a lot about a culture by studying it and befriending people from that culture."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review The Best University of Aberdeen: Aberdeen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I think that you realize how independent you actually are. I also gained an understanding of different cultures. If you can handle studying abroad you can survive anything!"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Forum Nexus Is The Best Thing I Ever Did For Myself. I Would Go Again In A Heartbeat!! Forum-Nexus: Ultimate Summer in Europe - 7 Cities in 1 Month

"It has totally broadened my horizons and made me realize the impact of globalization."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Incredible Experience, I'm Definitely Going Back! La Trobe University: Melbourne - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Any student contemplating going should go ahead and travel. It will change your life."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review An Unbelievable Dream At Aberdeen University of Aberdeen: Aberdeen - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"I absolutely love Scotland and Aberdeen! I really learned a lot about the differences between words and pronounciations with people from the United Kingdom and the United States. I was also able to learn about their values and what is expected of students, parents, and neighbors. I was also able to learn a lot about other cultur..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review New Zealand A Trip Of A Lifetime! You'll Regret Not Going! University of Wisconsin - La Crosse: New Zealand & Sydney: Humans, Business, and the Environment

"Study abroad has opened my eyes to different cultures around the world and gave me a chance to dig deeper at just how unique they actually are. It was amazing to see how the students including myself grew throughout the program and how quickly we were able to adapt in the different environment. It was more than worthwhile! Tra..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Stellenbosch, South Africa: A Land Worth Learning About Stellenbosch University: Stellenbosch - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"YES! I gained a better understanding of where my perceptions were coming from, and how skewed many of them were. South Africa is full of different cultures, each one different and beautiful at the same time. I wish I could have stayed a year instead of a semester. I traveled around southern Africa for over a month, but did no..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Paris: Chanllenging Language Barrier But Learned So Much! CEA CAPA Education Abroad: Paris, France

"Yes. I definitely gained understanding for language barriers. I learned a lot about culture and that we need to be accepting of other cultures whether or not we agree with them. I now want to do a semester abroad, hopefully to Scotland. I learned so much in such a short amount of time. "

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Tassie! University of Tasmania: Hobart - Direct Enrollment & Exchange

"Best experience of my life"

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse
Past Review Alicante, Spain I Want To Go Back! Spain Study Abroad Reflections: Comprehensive Reviews of Past Programs

"I feel much more outgoing now after being forced to try hard and communicate in another language all of the time, and also because I knew no one in this program when I signed up. Everyone wants to meet new people and everyone is in the same position- so just be friendly and you'll be fine! I also realized how different Spanish..."

University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse