
Emerson College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Emerson College's International Study and External Programs is committed to providing Emerson students with opportunities to explore their academic goals in alternate settings.

In addition to the external programs sponsored by the college at Kasteel Well, the Los Angeles Program, the Washington Program, the Prague Summer Film Program and the China Exchange Program in Beijing, students may enroll at non-affiliated international study programs for one semester only. The International Study and External Programs office is available to offer guidance and counseling to students regarding accredited programs offered by other colleges and universities.

Depending on your personal and professional interests, there is a program suited for your needs.

For more information on any of these options please contact the International Study and External Programs Office by phone at 617.824.8567, or via e-mail at abroad@emerson.edu.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Coming soon...

Sort by: Date | Rating
Past Review "Our"Land A True Sense Of Nationalism George Mason University: Traveling - History and Culture of Ireland

"Absolutely. I have been back to Ireland two times since this trip. I went back to visit friends I made along the way. I also wanted to understand Northern Ireland, so I made a trip out to Belfast. You're only there for a short while, so soak up everything you can. Go experience the people, music, the history. I encourage you..."

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Experience: Lackluster, European Travel: Amazing. Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Too much to list. I can probably never afford to go back to Europe and do it all over again so it was truly a trip of a lifetime. Every single day spent away from Well was a challenge and I was able to share it with my best friend (while making new friends that I'll keep forever). My advice: however you do it, go to Europe an..."

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Well Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Changed my life a lot, for the better. Got braver. Did things I never did before, both in travel and later in social situations as I started warming up to my peers. The experience is a good one for shy people, I think."

Emerson College
Past Review Studying In The Netherlands=The Highest Highs, Lowest Lows, And Best Lessons Learned. Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Definitely. It has helped me to relate better to people, be aware of how I am interaction with people of different cultures, and really appreciate my life in the States. If I could do it over, I think I'd stay in a different country, but I would never take this trip back; it was such a good learning experience."

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Well: Like Living A Dream Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It was absolutely worthwhile. I feel as though I was removed from my "American bubble" and feel more a part of the world as a whole now. I've learned how other people live their lives and what they believe in, and that there is no one way to do something right, and that is probably the most valuable lesson I've learned so far ..."

Emerson College
Past Review Can We Go Back? Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Absolutely. I've learned just how amazing our world is."

Emerson College
Past Review La Program Was The Best Decision I Made Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"Absolutely. It confirmed I wanted to work in LA post-graduation."

Emerson College
Past Review A Rewarding Experience Abroad Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Yes, it was a great experience that has contributed to personal and academic growth. Definitely want to live abroad in the future"

Emerson College
Past Review Dreaming Of London Study Abroad Study Abroad Programs in England

"This trip was more than worthwhile! I was able to gain a global perspective and make friends from all over the world. I now get to apply my study abroad experience to my career on a daily basis! "

Emerson College
Past Review Great Program For Everyone Who Wants To Get An La Experience Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"The classes were ridiculous, with very little academic or thought inducing satisfaction, but the internship was the main aspect of the experience anyway, so it was good overall."

Emerson College
Past Review Los Angeles: Dirty, Polluted, And Full Of Traffic But If You Find A Great Internship You Score Big Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"Of course. It was amazing. I got to live elsewhere, where it's warm and skateboard friendly, I had a kick-ass paid internship, which was basically like having a full time job, loved my coworkers, spend quality time with my girlfriend, got other jobs on set, got a job offer from my internship site, and will probably move back in ..."

Emerson College
Past Review Emerson College L.A. Program Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"It wasn't abroad, but L.A. is a different world from what we from the East Coast are used to. Now I love California, I just detest L.A."

Emerson College
Past Review Worth Going To Be Able To See Europe For Cheap Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It was cool to see so many different cultures and countries and it made me want to travel to other continents too."

Emerson College
Past Review Los Angeles Fun Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"It was absolutely worth all the waiting and worrying! I met all of my goals. I learned about the industry and I built the confidence to continue pursuing a related career. I enjoyed living in Los Angeles and I plan to seek jobs there after college. "

Emerson College
Past Review Emerson At La: A Great Stepping Stone Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"I made a lot of great contacts and gained exposure to the working world of TV"

Emerson College
Past Review King Of The Castle In The Netherlands Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It not only molded me into a respectful traveler, but made me realize the rest of the world is always an option. The U.S. is not the only place I have to look forward to anymore, because now i feel more comfortable to go out and give another country a chance."

Emerson College
Past Review Oh Well; 90 Days In The Neverneverlands! Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"it was long and difficult at times because you learn things about yourself that you never thought you would be able to put into words, it is life altering."

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Well Is A Fairy Tale Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It was incredibly worthwhile, although it may have broken my bank account. I learned so much about myself and the world around me and now I only have the desire to discover my own country now. "

Emerson College
Past Review Kasteel Well In The Fall Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Best experience of my life so far."

Emerson College
Past Review 90 Days That Changed My Life: Kasteel Well Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It changed my life. Anyone who has the opportunity should go. "

Emerson College
Past Review Experiencing Washington D.C. Emerson College: Washington, D.C. - The Washington Center

"I was able to professionally mature in an engaging, cooperative environment. "

Emerson College
Past Review The Castle: The Best Three Months Of My Life. Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I gained independence. I no longer have to rely on anyone for anything. I made great friends I probably would not have met if I had not gone to the castle. I have a changed view of the world as a whole. "

Emerson College