SUNY - Binghamton
University Information
Below you will find study abroad reviews from students at SUNY - Binghamton. We hope you will find these helpful in your search for options in education abroad. If you are a SUNY - Binghamton student, please check with the Education Abroad Office for guidelines on enrolling in a study abroad program and receiving credit for your study abroad experience. If your university has listed recommended programs below, please consider them first and contact any of the program providers referenced in the reviews listed below for more information.
Important Dates and Deadlines
No important dates configured."I went on an archeological dig I saw many other ancient ruins I did and saw many things I could never do in america and I met many great people"
David D SUNY - Binghamton
"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile, I learned so much about myself and other cultures and people. I would definitely travel, but stay some weekends in Florence because it is an amazing city! I think that my time abroad has been the most life-altering and educational experience I have had in college! "
sara t SUNY - Binghamton
"It was extremely worthwhile, some of the best moments in my life occurred in Australia with the people I've met. I've gained a much stronger sense of independence and would definitely recommend study abroad to everyone."
Rickey L SUNY - Binghamton
"It has been the greatest 5 months of my life. I have only ups, no downs, to rave about. It has also solidified the fact that I can do anything I set my mind to."
Dana S SUNY - Binghamton
"yes, so worthwhile, the most amazing frustrating anxiety ridden, full of laughther experience ive had, i would recommend it to everyone. it makes you grow up and mature and makes you smarter and wiser so quickly...amazing"
Ashley L SUNY - Binghamton
"While being in Europe was a lot of fun, the errors by Binghamton caused me a lot of unnecessary hassle and financial strain. Academically, it was a mistake to go. However, I learned a lot about myself and foreign cultures. "
Ryan J SUNY - Binghamton
"I loved it. The art and history was amazing. I loved the ability to learn new artforms such as drawing."
Yehoshua C SUNY - Binghamton
"As a graduating senior, my abroad experience was a personal journey right before I enter into the real world. I not only feel in love the city of Tel Aviv and the land of Israel but in the process I learn a lot about myself. It was an incredible experience. "
Rebecca Y SUNY - Binghamton
"It was amazing! It makes me want to travel more to visit my friends that I met on the program and it's made my life back in the United States so much more rewarding in that I'm more open to trying new things that I would have never tried to experience before. I never expected to gain such a life-changing experience like this. Af..."
Natasha B SUNY - Binghamton
"Yes! I learned a lot about a totally different culture and learned how to cook a lot!"
Faina L SUNY - Binghamton
"It was the best experience of my life. It was a great transition semester to see how studying abroad would be. It has caused me to already start planning my next experience."
Kelly L SUNY - Binghamton
"Studying abroad was absolutely worthwhile. You get to learn about yourself and the world around you. Experience everything firsthand on your own and grow. "
Brittany M SUNY - Binghamton
"Studying abroad was absolutely worthwhile. You get to learn about yourself and the world around you. Experience everything firsthand on your own and grow. "
Brittany M SUNY - Binghamton
"It was very worthwhile. I'm glad I chose Paris, there's so much to see and do here. I became more independent and my language abilities improved a lot. I worked and took classes and met lots of new people. "
Rachel P SUNY - Binghamton
"It helped me more on a personal level than in a global context"
Pascale E SUNY - Binghamton
"Great program. Became more independent. Learned another language. Made a lot of close friends."
Thomas S SUNY - Binghamton
"Become more independent and outgoing because you have to be. If you want to get things done, you have to do them for yourself. Figure out to live around others with different cultures and different backgrounds, both British and American. "
Elisabeth T SUNY - Binghamton
"My study abroad experience was definitely worthwhile. I learned more about British culture, met amazing people from all over the world, and have great memories to look back on. "
Amanda F SUNY - Binghamton
"YESS!! -Made me mature, independent, worldly -Allowed me to travel and see many unique parts of the world "
Randi H SUNY - Binghamton
"Worth every penny. I want to go back and maybe live in Australia one day"
Samantha A SUNY - Binghamton
"It was worthwhile, Australia is a very interesting country. They live a laid back lifestyle including their work lives. "
Kathryn K SUNY - Binghamton
"This experience is one that I will never forget. You would be surprized how easy it is to fall into a society, adapt and change so that you feel like you've been living here all your life. I have learned so much and I wouldnt give up this opportunity for anything. I only wish I could stay longer."
Alicia F SUNY - Binghamton
"Florence is an incredible city. It is so unfortunate that so much of my experience was ruined by Lorenzo De Medici. I wish I could do it again and choose and different program. I strongly advise anyone and everyone to go abroad, specifically to Florence but through any program other than LDM. It is horrible."
Tamar D SUNY - Binghamton
"I strongly believe my study abroad experience was worth while. Not only was I able to immerse myself in British culture, but I also gained new insight into my own culture."
Dawn E SUNY - Binghamton
"It was worthwhile for the the experience but academically it was a waste of time. "
Kelly B SUNY - Binghamton