
Emerson College

September 20, 2024

University Information

Emerson College's International Study and External Programs is committed to providing Emerson students with opportunities to explore their academic goals in alternate settings.

In addition to the external programs sponsored by the college at Kasteel Well, the Los Angeles Program, the Washington Program, the Prague Summer Film Program and the China Exchange Program in Beijing, students may enroll at non-affiliated international study programs for one semester only. The International Study and External Programs office is available to offer guidance and counseling to students regarding accredited programs offered by other colleges and universities.

Depending on your personal and professional interests, there is a program suited for your needs.

For more information on any of these options please contact the International Study and External Programs Office by phone at 617.824.8567, or via e-mail at abroad@emerson.edu.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Coming soon...

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Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"I made valuable connections and got a jpb as a result. I would highly reccommend this program."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I am a changed person after living at Kasteel Well. Every minute I was learning something new- about the world and about myself. I came to appreciate and miss my own culture as a result of being away from it for so long, in a way I never have before. I made friends that I will never lose, and memories that I'll never forget."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"Yes the LA Program is great for film, tv, acting students and I would recommend it to anyone who is interested. The program was one of the reasons I applied to Emerson in my senior year of high school and it did not let me down."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"yes, it taught me a lot and i met some great people. it provided me with an understanding of the entertainment business and LA. it laid the groundwork for my eventual move to the city."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"My experience was very positive within my internship and my living arrangements. I have moved here."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"This program was fantastic, I gained amazing friends and travel experiences. It was literally the time of my life because I took advantage of what I could and focused on living to the fullest every day. I think the program is what you make it somewhat but it is truly amazing to have the opportunity to live in a castle and to hav..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"While cultural awareness seems to be the obvious answer, you would be surprised how much you learn about yourself when interacting others. "

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"The experience was definitely worthwhile. Though my internship was a big disappointment, the overall experience was still really valuable because I was able to assess whether or not I would want to work and live in LA after graduating from Emerson."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"It was definitely worthwhile. I learned so much about different cultures and I feel like I understand people so much more. I am more open to new experiences and I'm more independent. I was truly changed by this program for the better, and have formed great relationships with people I may have never crossed paths with back in Bos..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I think it was worthwhile because since the location was less than ideal, it forced me to visit many different cities that I might not have had the chance to see if I was studying in a bigger city."

Emerson College
Past Review What I Need To Do To Jump Start My Career Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"What I need to do to jump-start my career and making contact with people to help me do so."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"How to travel."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"The program is what you make of it."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Los Angeles - Emerson College in Los Angeles

"Absolutely - it was the perfect transition for a graduating senior interested in moving to LA. Couldn't imagine doing it any other way."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"The experience was worthwhile because of all the traveling I was able to do on the weekends and because of the connection I ended up feeling to the people I traveled with and lived with. It is a completely unique program, unlike any other study abroad experience other schools offer. But it really is the traveling that makes th..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I consider my study abroad experience to truly be one of the greatest experiences in my life and I do not regret anything I did when I was there. Mistakes were made but I learned from my mistakes and became a stronger person because of it. I was forced to break out of my shell when placed in a city that spoke a foreign language ..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"This experience was so amazingly awesome I don't even have the words to describe it. I feel a lot more independent and just more grown up as a whole. I got to experience so many things that I wouldn't have otherwise. It was incredible."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Absolutely. I gained a new appreciation for the way that alien cultures interact with one another when placed in contact and for the different ways that people live. I felt much closer to the people of Europe than I ever had on previous visits and even having lived and studied there previously. Incidentally, I think that the fre..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I would do it again in a heart beat! One of the best experiences of my life. I learned that there is a huge world of places that I have yet to experience and I'm excited to go back and see them all one day. "

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"I learned how insignificant I am. There's a whole world out there waiting to be discovered and I want to see it all and I want to become more significant. It's allowed me to check off one of my ma life goals and has given me the drive to continue living in the moment and continue striving to become a better person. It's an in..."

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"Wow, it was an unbelieveable opportunity. I met amazing people, saw amazing places...what more could you ask for? DO IT! "

Emerson College
Past Review (No Title) Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"This was one of the best experiences of my life. I learned so much about myself and life in general."

Emerson College
Past Review A Semester In A European Castle Emerson College: Kasteel Well: The Netherlands

"So worthwhile. I absolutely loved it although there were hard parts. I feel like I changed as a person because I tried to stay open to everything. We were so lucky to travel as much as we did. I went to 10 countries in 90 days and multiple cities in some of those countries. Every person gains something different from this experi..."

Emerson College